In case of emergency, you can rest assured that the professional doctors at Envy Eye Care will be available for consultation and emergency care as needed! You should seek medical attention if you ever experience swelling, redness, or pain in your eyes. Eye damage can lead to partial loss of vision or even permanent blindness without proper treatment.
Call 469.490.ENVY (3689) today or schedule an appointment online.
An eye care emergency is defined as medical care for conditions requiring prompt medical attention due to a sudden change in ocular or visual health.
Symptoms that require emergency service include, but are not limited to:
• Blunt trauma to the eye
• Chemical exposure
• Painful eye injuries
• Foreign body obstructions in the eye
• Red or painful eye(s), with possible associated photosensitivity/nausea/etc.
• A sudden loss/change in vision
• Pink eye
• New onset floaters and/or flashes
• Bulging eyes (proptosis/exophthalmos)
You should seek immediate medical attention if you ever experience swelling, redness, or pain in your eyes. Getting the immediate attention and care that you need can make all the difference with regards to repairing, or even saving, your vision.
The doctors at Envy Eye Care recommends the following DO NOT while waiting to seek a professional medical assistance:
• DO NOT press on an injured eye or rub the eye
• DO NOT attempt to remove a foreign body that appears to be embedded in any part of the eye
• DO NOT use dry cotton, cotton swabs or sharp instruments such as tweezers on the eye
• DO NOT put any ointments or medication into your eye
Call us at 469.490.ENVY (3689) today for further assistance.
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