
Myopia Management

Did you know that childhood myopia rates are increasing, with 1 in 3 children now affected? It's much more common in children, showing up at earlier ages and progressing more rapidly. Going undetected could lead to blindness and visual impairment. The doctors at Envy Eye Care can help implement a treatment plan to slow the progression of myopia in a child.

Call 469.490.ENVY (3689) today or schedule an appointment online.

Myopia Management Q & A

The doctors at Envy Eye Care specialized in identifying risk factors for myopia and high myopia and being proactive by implementing a treatment plan to slow down the progression of myopia in a child.

The onset of myopia typically occurs somewhere between the ages of 6 and 12 years. As soon as there is evidence of myopia, or ideally in the pre-myopia stage, an initial stage of myopia management is a discussion with the patient and the parents.

Early intervention is key to slow or even stop the progression of myopia in your child. Close monitoring of patients is essential to ensure that the strategy implemented is having the desired effect and that this effect is maintained over time.

Treating your child’s myopia will give them clear vision today, while reducing their chances of developing sight-threatening eye diseases later in life.

Myopia prevalence increases with age. Children who spend little time outdoors and increased screen time on devices may have a higher chance of developing high myopia. High myopia is a spherical equivalent refractive error greater than or equal to -6.00D.

Identifying patients who are at risk of developing myopia is an essential first step that can help guide the doctor towards considering myopia management for a patient, which in turn can prompt initial discussions with the patient and their parents. The age of onset of myopia appears to be a good predictor of the risk of high myopia, with an earlier age of onset being a significant risk factor.

Patients with high myopia are at significantly greater risk of developing eye diseases that can have a severe impact on visual acuity, including glaucoma, cataract, retinal detachment, and myopic maculopathy. If left untreated, high myopia complications can lead to blindness.

The goal of myopia management is to slow the progression of myopia and reduce its impact on your child's life. Being able to detect it early, the doctors at Envy Eye Care would be able to implement a treatment plan to help slow down the progression and reduce the risk of developing eye diseases. Any reduction is better than none, and even a relatively small impact on progression can affect the long-term ocular health of a patient.

The doctors at Envy Eye Care will discuss and recommend the available options with the parents and patient based on the many factors.

Options to help manage myopia:
• Orthokeratology
• MiSight®
• Soft Multifocal
• Atropine
• Glasses

It's never too early to start treating myopia. Call today at 469-490-ENVY (3689) or schedule an appointment online.

To achieve good visual acuity with a refractive correction, with conventional single vision, spherical devices (spectacles or contact lenses) is what myopia management is not.

Call 469.490.ENVY (3689) today or schedule an appointment online.


3858 oak lawn ave #400
dallas, texas  75219


phone: 469.490.ENVY (3689)  
fax: 469.490.3388


sun: 11 - 3pm
mon-fri: 9 - 5:30pm
sat: 8 - 3pm

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